How do I add a Note to the Meeting?
1. Click the "New Meeting Note" link below the Participants section.
2. Select the Category this Note should be under or enter a new one and it will automatically create and categorize it.
3. Select the Action By (if there is one), Note Type, Due Date and Description and click
4. Note: If you'd like to add a Note to an existing Category on a Meeting, you can click the icon to the right of the Category Name.
How do I edit a Note?
1. Click the icon to the right of the Note you'd like to edit.
How do I complete a Note assigned to me?
1. Click the icon to the right of the Note you'd like to complete.
How do I archive a Note so it doesn't show in future meetings?
1. Click the icon to the right of the Note you'd like to archive.
How do I display Archived Notes in a Meeting?
1. From the Meeting page, click "Include Archived Notes" and it will then display Notes that have been previously Archived.
How do I display Notes from a previous Meeting in the Series?
1. From the Meeting page, click "Show All Notes in this Series" and it will then display all Notes in the Series.
How do I E-mail a list of Open Meeting Notes?
1. Click the icon and then select "E-mail List of Open Meeting Notes".
2. You will then be taken to a page where you can enter an e-mail Subject and Body that will be sent along with a preview of the Open Meeting Notes text.
3. Select the Users you would like to send the e-mail to and then click "Send Email" and an e-mail will go out to everyone you've selected.
How do I e-mail the Meeting Notes?
1. At the bottom of the Meeting is a link to "Email Meeting Notes".
2. Note: You must first "Publish this Meeting to a PDF".
3. Enter the Subject and Body you would like for the e-mail and MasterLibrary will send an e-mail to the E-mail Recipients List.
Meeting Reporting Options
Click the icon and then select "Reports". From here you can do several things.
1. Filter Meeting Notes based on Type, Series, Category, Status and Action By.
2. Create a PDF of this filtered report.
3. Click the Meeting to access that specific Meeting details.
4. Click "Complete w/ Notes" to go to complete that Note with Notes you can enter.
5. Complete multiple Items across Meeting Series all at once.
6. Archive multiple items across Meeting Series all at once.
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