Architect Supplemental Instruction (ASI)Select Architect Supplemental Instruction from the (Project Menu) to access the ASI Log. All of the items are automatically logged and categorized by Draft, Issued, Acknowledged, Pending Comments (In Discussion), Pending Complete, Archived and Deleted.
How do I create a new ASI?
1. Select the icon at the upper right of the window.
2. The Add ASI page will be displayed with several fields for you to fill out.
3. Click the button at the bottom of the page once you have filled out the fields.
4. The ASI will be displayed with a red DRAFT VERSION header and the information from the fields you completed. It is ready to for proofing and adding attachments; however, it is not formally issued until the button is clicked.
5. Optional: Select the + icon to the right of the Attachments header. An Add Attachment window will be displayed.
- Select the "Click to select files" button to display a dialogue window from which you can navigate from your local desktop to the desired files.
- Select the desired files and then select the Open button.
- The Add Attachment window will display a file upload status bar followed by a list of files successfully attached to the draft.
- Select the Close Window icon (X) in the upper right.
6. The ASI is still in DRAFT mode, and now lists any attachments added.
7. Optional: Select the + icon to the right of the Email Recipients header. An Add Email Recipients window will be displayed.
- Select the Add Group or Add Contact check boxes next to the Group and/or team members that need to see the ASI, followed by Save Information.
8. The ASI is still in DRAFT mode, and now lists any new team members added to the e-mail recipients list.
9. Perform a final review of the ASI and if anything needs revising you can click the button and make any necessary changes.
10. Once you are ready to distribute, click the button and MasterLibrary will automatically send an e-mail to everyone in the E-mail Recipients list and attach a PDF of the ASI (and any attachments) to that e-mail.
How do I acknowledge an ASI?
1. Click the desired item that has been issued to you from the ASI Log page or the e-mail you received when it was Issued.
2. Review the information on the screen, including any attachments, and click the button.
How do I initiate discussion on an ASI?
1. Once it has been Acknowledged the Recipient will have the option to allowing other people to weigh in with their comments.
2. You can then where you can select up to 3 additional project team members to enter comments of their own.
3. All comments are immediately e-mailed out to the other comment users as well as the From and To on the item.
How do I add a comment to an ASI?
1. Once it has entered a "Pending Comments" status, anyone who was selected as one of the comment users will now see which will allow them to enter their comment.
2. Clicking that button will then show a textbox for the user to enter their Comments.
3. All comments are immediately e-mailed out to the other comment users as well as the From and To on the item.
How do I close the discussion on an ASI?
1. The Recipient will have the option to at any point during this comment phase which will block users from posting new comments.
2. The Recipient will also then have an option to which will open it back up for discussion again.
How do I Forward an ASI?
1. Once an ASI has been Acknowledged, is Pending Comments or Pending Complete the Issued To (Action By) will have the option to
2. They can then check off a list of Users they would like to Forward to and MasterLibrary will automatically send an e-mail to each person selected.
How do I Generate RFP's from an ASI?
1. Once an ASI has been Acknowledged, is Pending Comments or Pending Complete the Issued To (Action By) will have the option to
2. They can then check off a list of Users they would like to Generate an RFP to and MasterLibrary will automatically create a Draft RFP directed to each person selected.
Who can perform what actions at each status?
- Issued By (Entered By) can or
- Any Contract Admin in Same Client as Entered By can or
- Issued By (Entered By) can
- Issued To (Action By) can
- Any Contract Admin can or
- Any Project Admin can
- Issued To (Action By) can or
- Any Contract Admin can or
Pending Comments
- Comment Users can
- Issued By (Entered By) can
- Issued To (Action By) can or
- Any Contract Admin can or
Pending Complete*
- Issued By (Entered By) can
- Issued To (Action By) can or
- Any Contract Admin can or
*NOTE: in Pending complete section , unlike some of the other tools the ASI's does not have the feature to Mark Complete, however you can directly archive the ASI from this Status
- Issued To (Action By) can or
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