Select Work Orders from the (Project Menu) to access the Work Order Log. All of the items are automatically logged and categorized by Draft, Active, Pending Pending Complete, Completed, Archived and Deleted.
How do I create a new Work Order?
1. Select the icon at the upper right of the window.
2. The Add Work Order page will be displayed with several fields for you to fill out.
3. Click the button at the bottom of the page once you have filled out the fields.
4. The Work Order will be displayed with a red DRAFT VERSION header and the information from the fields you completed. It is ready for proofing and adding attachments; however, it is not formally issued until the button is clicked.
5. Optional: Select the + icon to the right of the Participants header. An Add Participants window will be displayed.
- Select the Add Group or Add Contact check boxes next to the Group and/or team members that need to see the Work Order, followed by Save Information.
- Users must be in the Participants if they will be entering Time (Labor) against this Work Order.
6. The Work Order is still in DRAFT mode, and now lists any new team members added to the participants list.
7. Optional: Select the + icon to the right of the Attachments header. An Add Attachment window will be displayed.
- Select the "Click to select files" button to display a dialogue window from which you can navigate from your local desktop to the desired files.
- Select the desired files and then select the Open button.
- The Add Attachment window will display a file upload status bar followed by a list of files successfully attached to the draft.
- Select the Close Window icon (X) in the upper right.
8. The Work Order is still in DRAFT mode, and now lists any attachments added.
9. Perform a final review of the Work Order and if anything needs revising you can click the button and make any necessary changes.
10. Once you are ready to distribute, click the button and MasterLibrary will automatically send an e-mail to everyone in the Participants list and attach a PDF of the Work Order (and any attachments) to that e-mail.
How do I Add Labor to a Work Order?
1. Users will have the option to Labor entries while the Work Order is still Open.
2. Alternatively, there is a icon in the top right corner of every page that will allow you to enter time on multiple Work Orders at once.
3. These amounts will total at the bottom of the Cost column based on each Users labor rate that is input on their profile.
4. Note: Overtime labor entries can only be done on the Work Order itself and not via the Timesheet page.
How do I Add Materials to a Work Order?
1. Users will have the option to Materials entries while the Work Order is still Open.
2. These amounts will total at the bottom of the Invoice Amount column.
How do I Add Rental/Other to a Work Order?
1. Users will have the option to Rental/Other entries while the Work Order is still Open.
2. These amounts will total at the bottom of the Invoice Amount column.
How do I Complete a Work Order?
1. Users will have the option to click when the Work Order is Active to indicate they believe the Work Order is Complete.
2. Doing this will publih and e-mail out to all of the Participants that the Work Order is now Pending Complete.
3. Once a Work Order has been marked as Work Done or is Pending Complete, the Work Order Admins will have the option to which will send an e-mail out to the Participants alerting them.
Who can perform what actions at each status?
- Entered By can or
- Anyone with Work Order View can
Pending Complete
- Any Work Order Admin can
- Any Work Order Admin can
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