Select Estimate from the (Project Menu) to access your Project Estimate.
How do I create a new Item?
1. Select the icon at the upper right of the window.
2. The Add Item page will be displayed where you can enter specific information about the Item.
3. Click the button at the bottom of the page once you have filled out the fields.
4. Note: If you are adding to an existing Section (MasterFormat, UniFormat, Other Project Type) you can click the icon next to that header.
How do I Edit an Item?
1. Click the icon in the far right column of the Item.
2. The Edit Item window will appear and you can make any changes you'd like.
3. Click the button at the bottom of the page once you have made your changes.
4. Note: if you need to edit jus the Quantities of multiple items you can click the icon and then select "Update Quantities".
How do I Copy a previous Item?
1. Click the icon in the far right column of the Item.
2. The Add Item window will appear with the information pre-filled, and you can make any changes you'd like.
3. Click the button at the bottom of the page once you have made your changes.
How do I Delete an Item?
1. Click the icon in the far right column of the Item.
2. Note: Once an item has been linked to a piece of Equipment on the Equipment List you are no longer able to delete it.
How do I view the full details of an Item?
1. Click the "show" link in the far right column of the Item.
2. This will expand all of the details about that item.
How do I Copy an Estimate from a previous Project?
1. Click the icon in the upper right you can select "Copy from Another Project".
2. The Copy Estimate window will appear where you can select the Project you'd like to copy from.
3. Click the button at the bottom of the page once you have made your selection.
What are my options for viewing my Estimate?
1. If you click the icon you will see you can view by Contract, UniFormat or the default MasterFormat.
Can I do my Estimate using UniFormat instead of MasterFormat?
1. If you click the icon you will see you can select "View by UniFormat".
2. You can then items to each UniFormat section.
What are Other Project Costs?
1. If you click the icon you will see you can select "Other Project Costs".
2. Here you can estimate out Acquisition Costs, Contingencies, Construction, Equipment, Fees, Finance and Other Costs.
3. You can enter these Items as Fixed amount, as a Percentage of another Cost Item, or as a Percentage of the MasterFormat or UniFormat Total Estimate.
4. For example: you could have a Item called "Construction Cost" of $1,000,000 and then enter another Item and have it be 10% of "Construction Cost" so it's value is dynamically determined based on "Construction Cost".
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