Select Bid Addenda from the (Project Menu) to access the Bid Addenda Log page.
How do I create a new Bid Addendum?
1. Select the icon at the upper right of the window.
2. The Add Bid Addendum page will be displayed with several fields for you to fill out.
3. Click the button at the bottom of the page once you have filled out the fields.
4. The Bid Addendum will be displayed with a red DRAFT VERSION header and the information from the fields you completed. It is ready to for proofing and adding sections and files; however, it is not formally issued until the button is clicked.
5. Select the icon to the right of the Files header. An Add File window will be displayed.
- Select the "Click to select files" button to display a dialogue window from which you can navigate from your local desktop to the desired files.
- Select the desired files and then select the Open button.
- The Add Files window will display a file upload status bar followed by a list of files successfully attached to the draft.
- Select the Close Window icon (X) in the upper right.
6. The Bid Addendum is still in DRAFT mode, and now lists the new files added.
7. Perform a final review of the Bid Addendum and if anything needs revising you can click the button and make any necessary changes.
8. Once you are ready to distribute, click the button and MasterLibrary will automatically send an e-mail to everyone in the E-mail Recipients list for the associated Bid Package.
How do I Add Bidders to a Bid Addendum?
1. This is done on the Bid Package itself, so first click into the related Package.
2. Select the + icon to the right of the Bidders List header. An Add Bidder window will be displayed.
- Select the checkbox next to the project bidder that needs to bid on this package, followed by Save Information.
- Note: Project Bidders (Bidders List) are created via the
icon from the Bid Package Log page.
How do I Download a Bid Addendum?
1. Click the icon to the right of the Files header.
2. This will download a zip file you can then unzip and review.
Note: Any of the Bidders must first click the button before they will be able to see any of the files.
How do I Add Questions to an Addendum?
1. Select the "Create Question Report" link to the right of the Files header. An Questions window will be displayed.
- Select the checkbox next to the Question you'd like to include on this Addendum, followed by Save Information.
- Note: Once a Question has been added to an Addendum it will no longer appear in this listing.
How do I make the Bid Addendum show on the Bid Package?
1. As soon as the Addendum is Issued it will appear on the Bid Package as a new Section.
Note: Bidders will need to first Acknowledge the Addendum before seeing the files within it.
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